2 3 ari nih cik fifi mmg mgalami mcm2.. sbb 2 mls nk hupdate..kuikuikui.. assignment bru siap ari nih walopon kne anta ari nih..hahaha..lihatlah dunia btapa pmlas nya haku..hahaha.. siap yg nih..byk lgik yg lain kne wat.. ada 3 lgik..huiyoo.. individual lak tuh.. mampos haku cm nih.. makkkk.. nk benti la.. org x ckup tdo... (sje tdo lewat..kehkehkeh).. sib baek 2 assgnment kne anta pas raya kang.. wah3.. adakah cik fifi akan mbuat nya... kwang3.. sbb cik fifi pun blek beraya jugak..hahaha.. ape kah yg akan terjadi kpd assgnment nya nanti...
mlm tdik try tdo awal.. tppppp... xbley bla la..kihkih.. sbb dh bpe ari tdo lewat.. alamak.. adakah cik fifi akan/ sedang mgalami masalah INSOMNIA??..uwaaaaaa.. xbley jadik nih... aku fening klo x tdo 1 ari..kihkih.. izyan lak bley ckp dunia haku siang dh jdik mlm n mlm dh jdik siang... statement x bley bla la izyan.. meh cni haku bgi sjibik..kihkih..
wahai makhluk2 tuhan yang paling seksi.. wahahaha.. mrilah tlg haku tdo mlm.. bgi la tips2 yg baek punyerrrr... kihkihkih...
nk tdoq la...dedaaaaaaaa.....
kemalasan..kebuhsanan thp xtau nk citer..kihkih
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 7:39 PM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
i can do itttt..yeahhhhhh...
saturday.. usually a boring day 4 cik fifi. Izyan plak balik putrajaya.. ye la kan.. isnin ni kan cuti.. so, ramai la dak2 Uitm yg blik kpg.. mcm cik fifi ni jaoh nk wat cam mane kan.. seb bek myra musyuk n meggie jht tuh x blik...ngeeee~ ada gak tman cik fifi pg bazaar ptg nih kan..yeaaaaa... boringgggg sgt2 smpai cik fifi kacau En. CiYo.. En. ciyo sbnrnya ada kelas ari nih.. tp die pnye lcterer dtg lmbt sbb 2 die lyn je msg cik fifi..hahaha.. TQ en. Ciyo.. Tp msg kejap je dgn En. ciyo.ye la dia ada kelas.. x lama lagik dia final kan.. kesian en. ciyo kan..
lpas tuh g bca novel jap..ye la..nak mhilangkan buhsan yg teramat sgt tuh ka.. novel tuh bez gak.. title dia "CAHAYA KASIH".. sad story but lovely ending.. like it very much..
kol6 lbh ktorg g bazaar jap.. rambang mata tgk smua bnda kat sana yummy2 kan..hehehe..besa la tuh.. last2 pusing2.. beli nasi tomato je la.. even x la tip top sgt thp ke'yummy' an dia tuh.. but i manage 2 finish it.. sbb cik fifi lapaaaa.....uwaaaaa...
mlm ni igt nk wat assgnment en. mustafa.. ye la.. kna anta selasa ni kan.. cuti2 gak beb.. hehehe
ssh gak nk wat psl social interaction nih kan.. any idea guyz.....
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 7:56 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
mY noT sO CooL hoUseMatE..aHaKz..
i think i have such a cool nite today..haha..
juz now izyan blik dr terawih.. then kte g jln2 sbb die nk blek esok.. blik jap je tuh..
kte g men2 kat mini gym blkang blok..
men lari2..even cik fifi kecik tp cik fifi telah mnjuarai larian tersebut..(blh caye ke)
then.. blik umah ktorg ngade2 nk amek gmbr..
so, ini lah hasil nya..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:03 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
post ke2 pd hari yg sama..:)
cik fifi telah mgambil keputusan yg drastik yg dia x akan edit blog2 yg telah dipost sbb.. ntah la.
cik fifi rasa ckup stakat menukar url nya sahaja..
hopefully "si @#$%$#" x kan dpt mentrace kan blog cik fifi..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 1:20 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
pRoseS menGeDit SemUla BloG qOO..
napE ciK fifi perlu mengedit semula blog nya? sbb cik fifi nk memulakan hidup baru..hahaha..
skema nya ayat cik fifi ni erk..wakaka..
bkn nya apa.. cik fifi rasa bila bkak blog ni rasa mcm ada something yg cik fifi xnak tgk dlm blog ni..
so, 1st process is tukar url nya so that "si #$%^%" xkan dpat trace blog cik fifi..
2nd will be updated later ok..
cik fifi nak pg mandi dulu la erk...
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 1:14 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
ThE daY yOu WeNt aWaY..
When I was dreaming 'bout you baby you were dreaming of me
Call me crazy call me blind
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time
Did I lose my love to someone better
And does she love you like I do
I do you know I really really do
Well hey so much I need to say
Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there's only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
Oh whoa .... yeah... oh...ooh...
I remember date and time
September twenty-second Sunday twenty-five after nine
In the doorway with your case
No longer shouting at each other
There were tears on our faces
And we were letting go of something special
Something we'll never have again
I know, I guess I really really know
Well hey so much I need to say
Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there's only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
The day you went away
The day you went away
Oh whoa .... yeah oh
Did I lose my love to someone better
And does she love you like I do
I do you know I really really do
Well hey so much I need to say
Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there's only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
Why do we never know what we've got till it's gone
How could I carry on
The day you went away
Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
The day you went away
The day you went away
oh whoa .. yeah oh
is the girl.. he left me bcoz of the girl.. i don't think the girl love him better than i am.. hahaha.. fifiey is owez perasan.. klo awk love him better than dat girl.. x mgkn he left u la fifiey.. let bygones be bygone k.. life must go on.. tp xpe..xde ape yg nk dfikirkan sgt pun.. ok..finish abt dat ok..
need 2 go to shower now.. i kne study la...hahaha.. skema fifiey..huahuahua..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 4:44 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
keBuhSaNan paRt 1
i do miss my fam.. i'll be back on 19/09
i do miss my BFF..we'll hang out diz sem break keyh..
i do miss my Miss Nurfadillah.. seems like x smpat nk jumpa la... but i will text u whenever i free
i do miss my bedroom.. my green bed... i lurve u sooo much.. hahaha..
i do miss my childhood..really miss it
i do miss suPPinGgggg..yeaaaa... suPPing make me feel the world is mine.. even its juz windows suPPing..
i do miss layparK wiF my BFF at KFC.. nyUm3...
i do miss everything... everything dat we have gone through 2gether.. all this while..
so, to my VERY2 BEST FRIEND 4-eEVER.. popo, biey, mimi.. i lurve u all demn much.. even kite x slalu in touch but i do miss all n evry each one of u... u r my really2 best friend.. aku x ksah korunk x igt aku.. but i do remember u all.. hehehe.. skema gak aku nih... n one of us ada poblem besaq dlu.. there's juz me n biey.. popo, even ktorg x leh nk settle ur poblem.. but we will owez be ur side k.. aku x msg ko lpas ko bgtau aku bkn ape.. aku juz tkuzut sket dgn kbr tsebut.. but i do text u kan.. then..ari tuh aku kol ko... ko angkt but never speak.. then ko msh ko ckp hp ko rosak.. aku leh trima.. at least wpon aku x msg.. ko msg la aku.. ko tau aku bz kan... i'll try to reply ur msg.. sbb aku xnak khilangan korunk.. kita knal dh lama.. lama sgt2.. korunk tau aku jnis yg cam mane kan..n 4 biey, thankz sbb ko owez ada utk aku.. even ko pun bz sama cam aku.. but u still have tyme to kol o text me kan.. even x slalu.. aku appreciate dat.. aku doakan korunk success la k.. n hope diz raya will gather all of us.. sayanggggg korunk... korunk terbaek dr ladang beb....
my hottest, sexiest very2 best buddy.. even kite knal baru 2 taun lbh.. but u guyz rawk.. we're close.. aku igt lagi msa nk apply 4 UPU dat day.. aku, eman n lyn msing2 nk tmpat yg sma.. smbil2 2 doa2 gak dpt tmpat yg sama kan..hahaha.. but finally u n eman got the same place darling.. UUM.. jaoh d utara nun ha.. but aku tercampak kat uitm puncak..uwaaaaa... but lyn says aku jnis yg x susah nk campur dgn org.. sbb.. u all noe how i am kan.. toooooooo byk ckp.. even dgn org yg bru aku knal.. wpon mak pesan jgn ckp dgn org yg kte x knal..kihkihkih... i do miss grace... ari tu cik ilah ckp yg dia jumpa grace.. but grace.. y u neva text me... do text me k.. i miss ur eyes...hahaha.. mubasheva... i miss utk gado2 dgn u psl MU n arsenal.. u know how fanatik i am 2 MU kan..hehehe.. GG.. x pnah dgar kbr ko skrg.. where r u?.. eman.. hmmm.. hehehe... aron.. dgr kbr skrg ada kat selangor.. y u didn't text me if u really in selangor kan..
gUYzzzzz... i miss everyone of u...
GTG now.. got some class.. aku kne siap awl..hahaha
p/s: mlm kang aku smbg blik k..hehehe
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:29 PM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
oucHH..HurM..seems lyke i wanna myumpah2 je...
Jangan mencintai seseorang
lebih dari sepatutnya
kerana kita mungkin akan membencinya
jangan membenci seseorang
lebih dari sepatutnya
kerana kita mungkin akan mncintainya
jangan tinggalkan orang yg kita syg
untuk orang yang kita suka
kerana orang kita suka
akan meninggalkan kita
untuk orang yang dia syg..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:14 PM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
TiRiNg tHurSdaY..
fuh... finally aku berjaya menempuhi hari khamis diz week.. sounds crazy coz every each one of us have 2 face thursday every week..hahaha..im starting my day wif bgn pagi kot.. but sgt2 sleepy la diz few 2 days.. mybe too tired kot.. then i have 2 struggle coz i've got a test diz monday.. huaaaaaaaaa...
what happened today?.. xda bnda sgt yg jd ari ni kot.. but ari ni aku ada kelas pg taw.. then my housemate text that ada spotcheck kat umah ktorg.. malu lak bile kakak 2 ckp yg bilik aku x kemas.. hehehehe.. besa la 2 kot bila ada kelas pg.. mmg bselerak sket.. eh, byk kot.. hahaha.. sbb aku ni jnis bgn lmbt.. so, mana smpat nk kmas2 ni kan.. nk bgn.. juz like usual kne q up utk mandi.. gosok baju.. bsiap.. agak lama la... so, mmg x smpat nk kmas la.. alasan je tuh.. sbnrnya pemalas..hahaha..eh, aku xda la mls sgt,... klo angin bek tuh rjin gak nk mgemas.. p kan nsib bek x kne saman taw.. aku ni dah la kering kontang.. klo kne saman gak tah la.. sib bek gak aku nye brg letrik dah dftar.. so, xde hal sgt r... mcm kwn aku kat blok sebelah tuh die nye bju kurung 3 elai kne angkut kakak tuh.. sbb gantung kat tingkap kan.. ape tak nye.. pkeliling dah kuar but still ag nk sangkut kat tgkap.. so, kuar gak fulus nk amek blek bju tuh.. kesian kwn aku.. g kelas dgn xde mood..hehehe..
esok ada kelas pn. zaina.. bez gak kelas die nih.. x boring r..hehehe.. so, better get a sleep now.. nut niteeeee....Zzzzzzzzzzz
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 8:57 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
finally ape erk... wakaka.. aku actually x tau nk post pe dah... aku tensen, boring.. tah so wateva lg dah.. so, anyone.. beware keyh.. sbb aku ni kalo tensen blh screaming tiba2 je taw... hahaha...
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... wat am i shud do now...... blah la.. tdo lagi best..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:48 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
tHe mOSt wOrsT BaD daY wHatsoEva!!!
starting the day wif bgn pagi gosok gigi n of coz mandi coz i got class 8 sharp.. wah, sejuk giler baboon weyh.. juz imagine i wake up at 7 sharp n i have 1 hour utk bersiap... The word "bersiap" mean i have 2 open my eyes, mguap, q up for the main purpose..toilet r tuh.. hakhak.. then nk make up2 sket.. x pucat sgt r kan..hahaha.. do i? but i do like BEL class.. enjoy gak.. coz the lcturer was sporting gak.. bez wooo... terbaek wok.. then ptg td i have 2 submit my 1st assignment 2 pn lissa. But, the things that make saya sgt2 shock when she said "lpas ni saya nk buat pop kuiz. 30 minutes.. semua buku letak kat tgh2 meja..wah, dah r aku x blaja pape.. tah pape la yg aku jwb.. but at least i read a little la.. yg pntg ada kan.. hehehe... wlaupon aku sndiri x tau pe yg aku jwb..
Then.. can anyone of u pronoun the word "CACHE".. is it COKELAT? hahaha.. funny rite.. jauh giler makna dia tuh.. word of the day kot..kihkih.. jgn amek ati tau.. gurau2 jerk..
the bez part 2day is my really2 BEZFWEN of The UNIVERSE called me.. bez la kan.. kwn bek i called.. lama jgj chit chat wif her on the phone.. gelak2.. tnya kbr n of coz gossiping... hahaha.. hey, babe.. mcm la kau x knal aku.. kalau dah ckp ssh nk benti babe.. hehe..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 8:39 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
iTs DoNe..YaHoo!!!
finally i've done my assingnment... yehaaaa... juz now buat final touch then printing tyme... my IMC401 assignment cost RM18.50..wow..detail tuh... spent too much on assignment... but my dad say.."its ok...itu la study nama nye.."
mYra: ada sekor tenuk kitowg jumpa kat CC tadi. die kutuk aku pnye assignment. dah r pnat aku buat smpai x tdo mlm. snang2 je die kutuk assgnment aku. dah 2 siap kutuk aku lagi tuh. dia x sdar agak nye die tuh mcm tnuk.
FiFieY: si tenuk 2 mmg.. adik beradik dgn cipan, baboon n tapir. si tenuk ni kira mcm adik bongsu cipan.. aku nk kena show gmbar tenuk n adik beradik die jgk ke.. xperlu r keyh.. pndai2 r pk.. aku bengang gak kat die tuh.. jelez r tuh tgk assignment org lain cntek..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:28 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 1:10 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
i've got it okeyh!!!!
aku paham la..i've got it..not dat stupid fool watsoeva...
finally i almost done my assingment..haha..tp, byk lagi keje lain nk kne submit diz monday.. uwaaaaaa... is this called "student".. the answer is absolutely YES wif alphabetically....HaHa.. miSh my CERRIO.. CERRIO? wat is dat? human or watsoeva.... hahaha.... so annoying using font besa2... wakakaka.. aku mmg annoying sket ari ni.. especially after seeing something..... OMG.. can't believe it... btol ke apa yg aku nmpk td tuh? ask myra.. tol ke myra? yan? ko nmpk tak? margaret? absolutely YES.. SHE n HE.. but seems like doesn't matter anymore.. y shud i care? x pntg okeyh... DONT TRUST GUY..HaHa..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:46 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
new Photo..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:24 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
huarghhhhh..again at 2.26 a.m
OMG.. its 2.26 a.m already.. aku buat ape pagi2 nih? pe lagik.. assignment la oiii.. i have 2 submit it by diz monday.. OMG... so tired lah... anybody help me plz... kihkihkih... 2day n again gado dgn si apisz lagik.. huiyoooo... aku ckp kasa ke dgn dia? no, absolutely i'm not... xda niat pun nk ngomong kasa sama dea.. but... he said that i pnye word kasa sgt.. WEYH.. is that consider as kasa? nop kan.. aku tau aku dah jadi "bad gurl" kat mata dia.. but that is his right 2 think anything he wants.. SAYA TAK BERHAK LAGI KE ATAS DIRI AWAK.. oooo.. i actually refuse to talk about diz internal relationship..not interested.. mybe my soul is empty ..hahaha..ayat skema gilerz baboon... juz now dpt tau yg si IZYAN n MARGARET will attend camp at PUNCAK ALAM next weekend.. Looks like MYRA n ME je yg tinggal next weekend. Tah camp so wateva aku pun x tau n not interested 2 know kot.. jgn marah ye PerFACT-ies..hahaha... so, mkn berdua je la kan.. isk4.... uwaaaaa... AZIE must be going back 2 her home every weekend kan... so, must be sunyi skit kot... Diorg pergi sbb tugas la... kuikuikui.... Eh, b4 i forgot.. u all ever tgk kartun YOKIES tak? ala kartun masa kite2 zaman kecik2 dulu tuh.. kartun telur tu.. bez kan.. u know papa yokies looks like who's? hahaha.. Lu pk la sndiri... comel...
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 11:26 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 9:44 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
haizzzzzz.....huarghhh.. 12 o'clock o'ready rite...wat am i doing rite now.. cant u c dat im blogging.. hahaha.. ko pehal nih.. angol, bengong,gilez sume adeush..hikhik..ari nih hujan..sejok je rse nk mandi...hahaha..but aku mandi gak taw..ari ni rse bengang gak tyme g kelas..ntah r... huhuhu...but i do lyke kelas en yamin.. hahaha.. its fun.. 2moro kelas pn zaina lak.. OMG.. i have 2 wake up early.. mls nye... kalo x pg xleh ke weh...... bg la aku peluang tdo smpai tgh hari... mcm besa aku wat tyme cuti pjg dulu...hahaha (buruk sgt ke pmpuan bgn lewat) nop la.. hak masing2.. so, the talkerz..BEWARE okeyh.. hahaha..myra tgh wat pe tuh.. bca kisah2 tauladan... bgus budak ni..sape nk wat menantu leh isi borang kat kaunter dpan toilet IBI9..hakhakhak.. yan lak nga wat pe? ooooo... wat assgnment erk... rjin nye.. anak sape tuh weyh... lain2 g mane? mane lagik.. tgh wat peta r tuh.. hahaha.. jht nye aku... aku mmg jht pown... ade aku kisah... aku dont even care okeyh..hahaha....
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 8:55 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
mYrA n FiFieY aGaiN..
FiFieY, MarGaRet, MyRa (aT tHe BacK) n IzYaN...PiX taKeN afTer bLeK dR "kaNdaNg"
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 7:13 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
LeTs beGiN mY Blog 2dAy WIf hUrM....y?...Up 2 mE lA 2 TYpE aNYtHING I WAnT RItE..hAhA..2dAy I'vE actuallY got 2 classes which is CTU n BEL402.. but cik zai didnt came..so..ape lagik...balik la... hehehe.. the bez part 2day is went out wif my roomate.. enjoy giler baboon..hahaha...actually nk pg pjbt kolej ptg td utk byr brg elektrik tuh.. p mls r..esok je la... hehe.. then aku, margaret n myra pg la outing... aku bengang giler sbb dlm bas ada budak gelak kat org tua...s*** r.. x ske mcm tuh... x hormat org tua nama nya.. even aku sndiri x bek sgt kan.. but do thinks other feeling okeyh... then ktorg g jalan2 mkn aiskrim...slurppp~..hahaha.. sundae cup... sedap nyer.... blek dlm kol 4 lbh r.. smpai umah letih thp cipan.. tersadai di tgh rumah..wakakaka... mlm lak went to watch wayang kulit so wateva..hahaha.. actually i cant understand the language..even my adpoted 'ibu' r kelantanese... pergi semata2 nk dptkan KUPON..hehehe...ending dis sweet nyte ym-ing wif apisz n then blogging sket... then the best part which every each one of us like the most.... SLEEP...Zzzzzzz...
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 10:55 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
saya mesti kuat..yearghhhh..girl power!!!...
yehaaaa... saje nak guna font besar..
nmpk bitchy sket.. hahaha..
wait poe me keyh.. ahakz..
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 6:43 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT
huRh...staRtiNg My bLog 2DaY wiF keLuHaN ryTe.. HoHo.. aCtuaLLy sO ManY tO tyPe bUt diSeraNg keMalasaN utK tyPinG..waT a.... HaHa..i thinK diz is tHe last tyme im typing a bloG about My internal relationship.. juz kind of boring 2 mention abt dat anymore..haha..or he left me for dat fCuk hell busted women wateva..(izinkan saya myumpah utk hari ni je).. do u think i x ksah utk mlepaskan dia for dat women?!! NO!! aku x rela but i have to.. dat busted women ( blh dikategorikan sbg women ke?haha) telah mrampas my hell boyfren... did she even better than me? hahaha.. see..aku msh mmpu tersenyum..even laugh..LOL.. herm.. nk mratapi bnda yg dh jd pun x guna ryte.. its juz a part of faith n destiny.. i think.. yes it is.. juz i will owez doakan kbhgiaan both of u syg..until the very end of tyme (so cweet of me..hahaha)...
LeTerAn CiK FiFiEy at 4:12 AM 0 KaTaK MenCaruT