tHe mOSt wOrsT BaD daY wHatsoEva!!!

starting the day wif bgn pagi gosok gigi n of coz mandi coz i got class 8 sharp.. wah, sejuk giler baboon weyh.. juz imagine i wake up at 7 sharp n i have 1 hour utk bersiap... The word "bersiap" mean i have 2 open my eyes, mguap, q up for the main purpose..toilet r tuh.. hakhak.. then nk make up2 sket.. x pucat sgt r kan..hahaha.. do i? but i do like BEL class.. enjoy gak.. coz the lcturer was sporting gak.. bez wooo... terbaek wok.. then ptg td i have 2 submit my 1st assignment 2 pn lissa. But, the things that make saya sgt2 shock when she said "lpas ni saya nk buat pop kuiz. 30 minutes.. semua buku letak kat tgh2 meja..wah, dah r aku x blaja pape.. tah pape la yg aku jwb.. but at least i read a little la.. yg pntg ada kan.. hehehe... wlaupon aku sndiri x tau pe yg aku jwb..

Then.. can anyone of u pronoun the word "CACHE".. is it COKELAT? hahaha.. funny rite.. jauh giler makna dia tuh.. word of the day kot..kihkih.. jgn amek ati tau.. gurau2 jerk..

the bez part 2day is my really2 BEZFWEN of The UNIVERSE called me.. bez la kan.. kwn bek i called.. lama jgj chit chat wif her on the phone.. gelak2.. tnya kbr n of coz gossiping... hahaha.. hey, babe.. mcm la kau x knal aku.. kalau dah ckp ssh nk benti babe.. hehe..

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